Feedback for Gold

We will distribute 10 Gold for each valid piece of user feedback. To be eligible, a user must

  • This message must include a Blastscan link to a transaction hash of a unique ticket purchase or LP deposit

  • Provide feedback that describes a part of the product that can be improved, as well as how you would improve it

  • The team can choose not to accept this feedback, such as if they've seen this feedback before.

You can submit multiple pieces of feedback, and be rewarded for multiple pieces of feedback. However, each piece of feedback requires a separate and unique transaction.

After submission:

  • The team will review and react with a zap emoji if accepted ⚡️

  • Gold will be sent to the address that initiated the transaction when we distribute Gold on the 28-31st of every month.

The team reserves the right to modify this program as needed to ensure fairness, or prevent fraudulent/sybil behavior.

Last updated