BLAST integration

Testnet Contract

There is no testnet BLAST. Thus, to have a testnet jackpot with an ERC-20, we use testnet $BOLT, a token that's easy to get on Ring Protocol. Click here > In the top right corner, switch to Testnet > Swap testnet ETH into BOLT.

Testnet BOLT jackpot address

Testnet Bolt token address

Our testnet jackpot is not automatically run every 24h. It's easy to run it yourself:

  • Fetch the jackpot fee at Blastscan > Read Proxy Contract > getLotteryFee. Convert this from WEI to ETH, thus, divide by 10^18

  • Go to Sepolia Blastscan > Write Proxy Contract > RunLottery

  • For runLottery - payableAmount (ether), enter in the jackpot fee in WEI.

  • For userRandomNumber - bytes32, enter in 0x55fb29339a98ca25bedb7b5aa225041f669ca1407e926a95ce4a9b080ac66907 (note: reusing this is fine, Pyth generates randomness, this seed further maximizes randomness - generate your own with Web3.utils.randomHex(32))

You can also ask us to run it for you.

Get the current jackpot details

Time remaining: lastLotteryEndTime + roundDurationInSeconds - currentTime

Jackpot size: Use the larger of userPoolTotal or lpPoolTotal

  • If the lpPoolTotal is $100, and a user buys 1 ticket, that ticket ($0.85) goes into userPoolTotal. lpPoolTotal stays the same!

  • Unless users buy >$100 of tickets (post-fees), then the jackpot stays at $100.

Odds of winning: Jackpot size / (ticketPrice * (1 - feeBps/10000))

  • A user buys a ticket worth 100 $BLAST, but after 15% fees, only 85 $BLAST is “entered” into the jackpot pool.

  • Thus, if the jackpot is 100000 $BLAST, we want to show that a ticket has 1 in 1176 odds of winning rather than 1 in 1000. This is how we calculate this:

export const calculateTotalTicketCount = (prize: number, feeBps: number): bigint => {
 return BigInt((prize * (10000 / (10000 - toDecimal(feeBps).toNumber())) * 1000).toFixed(0));

To get prices, we use the Coinbase API since it requires no API key and their rate limits are per IP address.

Here is how we display the countdown timer, plus a grace period for the 5 minutes it takes to run the jackpot:

import { Box, Heading, HStack, Text, VStack } from "@chakra-ui/react";
import { type CountdownRenderProps } from "react-countdown";
import Countdown, { zeroPad } from "react-countdown";

export const CountdownGridRenderer = ({
}: CountdownRenderProps & { endTime: number }) => {
  if (completed) {
    const currentTime =;
    const lotteryRunTime = endTime + 5 * 60 * 1000; // 5 minutes after endTime

    if (currentTime > lotteryRunTime) {
      return (
        <VStack spacing={2} align="center">
          <Text>An error occurred. Please contact @patricklung on Telegram!</Text>

    return (
        renderer={({ minutes, seconds, completed: lotteryCompleted }) => {
          if (lotteryCompleted) {
            return (
              <VStack spacing={2} align="center">
                <Text>Lottery completed</Text>
                <Text fontSize="sm">Please refresh the page to see results!</Text>
          } else {
            return (
              <VStack spacing={2} align="center">
                  Running lottery, {minutes}:{zeroPad(seconds)} remaining
  } else {
    return (
      <HStack justifyContent="center">
        {days > 0 && (
          <Box minWidth="70px" textAlign="center">
        {hours > 0 && (
          <Box minWidth="70px" textAlign="center">
        <Box minWidth="70px" textAlign="center">
        <Box minWidth="70px" textAlign="center">

This is how the grace period looks in the app, otherwise, it'll show 0h 0m:

You should do the same for jackpot history as well:

Buy tickets

Before a user is buy a ticket, they need to approve spending BLAST from this contract. You need to prompt a user to do this. Here is the function to call. Set spender as this contract address 0xEa358b86AF8763cc6996Df87063BFf1144401371

Call purchaseTickets with a value that’s a multiple of ticketPrice and set your wallet address as the referrer.

This wallet will need to:

  • Call a function to withdraw fees

  • Sign up with Blast to earn Blast Points and Gold

We recommend checking if a user's account owns BLAST. Here's a simple link to send them to that prefills the token to be swapped to as BLAST.

We recommend showing a loading indicator for both the approval and ticket purchase. You should prompt the user twice since these are two transactions. Here is how we do it:

import { useState } from "react";
import { useWriteContract, useWaitForTransactionReceipt } from "wagmi";
import { CustomButton } from "@/components/Common/CustomButton";

export const PoolCardSmartContract = () => {
  const [ticketAmount, setTicketAmount] = useState(1);

  // For ticket purchase
  const { writeContract, isLoading: isPurchaseLoading } = useWriteContract();
  const { isFetching: isPurchaseFetching } = useWaitForTransactionReceipt({

  // For token approval
  const { writeContract: writeApprovalContract, isLoading: isApprovalLoading } = useWriteContract();
  const { isFetching: isApprovalFetching } = useWaitForTransactionReceipt({

  const handleBuyTicket = () => {
      // Contract details...

  const approveToken = () => {
      // Approval details...

  return (
      {/* Ticket amount input */}
        isLoading={isApprovalLoading || isApprovalFetching}
        isLoading={isPurchaseLoading || isPurchaseFetching}
        BUY NOW

Check user's current jackpot entries

Call userInfo with their address, it returns these three fields

    struct User {
        // Total tickets purchased by the user for current jackpot, multiplied by 10000, resets each lottery
        uint256 ticketsPurchasedTotalBps;
        // Tracks the total win amount in BLAST (how much the user can withdraw)
        uint256 winningsClaimable;
        // Whether or not the user is participating in the current jackpot
        bool active;

This is how we calculate # of tickets purchased per user, as well as if they have any winnings claimable

// Purchased tickets are in BPS, so we need to divide by 10,0000 to get the post-fee number
   // and then divide by (1 - fee percentage) to get the pre-fee number
   ticketsPurchased =
     toDecimal(userInfoData[0]).div(10000).toNumber() /

   winningsClaimable = toDecimal(userInfoData[1], 18).toNumber();

Check jackpot result and past users' entries

You can view the latest RevealedWithCallback event (example from ETH, Blast jackpot has not run yet) from Pyth Entropy, scroll to the bottom of this page to see the events returned. Here's an example result log:

time : 1720469297
winner : 0x450EE356Ad372Cc77D3fC329A472326633232B30
winningTicket : 347739
winAmount : 1357591681236673772
ticketsPurchasedTotalBps : 858500

Here is the API call we make to Blastscan to fetch jackpot results and all users' ticket purchases, then builds it into each user's ticket history card. Note, we check if this is the BLAST or ETH jackpot by using the check token == "Blast"

import { type Address } from "viem";
import { blast, blastSepolia } from "viem/chains";

import { TICKET_PURCHASE_FEE_PERCENTAGE } from "@/utils/constants";
const CHAIN = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_CHAIN || "testnet";
const API_URL =
  CHAIN == "mainnet"
    ? blast.blockExplorers.default.apiUrl
    : blastSepolia.blockExplorers.default.apiUrl;
const LOTTERY_RUN_TOPIC = "0x4718ede503b98b63750fe9c8b5b8410db1b336e47ba2172e8c04abe4a6c8a1fb";
const BLASTSCAN_API_KEY = process.env.BLASTSCAN_API_KEY as string;

// fetch ticket purchases for all users
type TicketPurchaseInfo = { blockNumber: number; ticketsPurchased: number };
const fetchTicketPurchases = async (token: string) => {
  const batchSize = 1000; // Maximum allowed by the API
  let allEvents: any[] = [];
  let page = 1;
  let hasMoreEvents = true;

  while (hasMoreEvents) {
    const urlParams = new URLSearchParams({
      module: "logs",
      action: "getLogs",
      address: token === "Blast" ? BLAST_LOTTERY_ADDRESS : LOTTERY_CONTRACT_ADDRESS,
      fromBlock: "0",
      toBlock: "latest",
      page: page.toString(),
      offset: batchSize.toString(),
      apikey: BLASTSCAN_API_KEY,

    const request = `${API_URL}?${urlParams}`;
    const response = await fetch(request);
    const body = await response?.json();

    if (body.status === "1" && body.result && body.result.length > 0) {
      allEvents = allEvents.concat(body.result);
      if (body.result.length < batchSize) {
        hasMoreEvents = false;
      } else {
        // Add a small delay to avoid rate limiting
        await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 200));
    } else {
      hasMoreEvents = false;

  const ticketPurchases = new Map<string, TicketPurchaseInfo[]>();
  allEvents.forEach((event: any) => {
    const userAddress = `0x${event.topics[1].substring(26, 66)}`;
    let ticketsPurchased;
    if (token === "Blast") {
      // For Blast, the tickets purchased is the first 32 bytes of the data
      ticketsPurchased =
        parseInt(, 66), 16) /
        10000 /
        ((100 - TICKET_PURCHASE_FEE_PERCENTAGE) / 100);
      // The referrer address is the next 32 bytes, if you need to use it
      // const referrerAddress = `0x${, 130)}`;
    } else {
      // For ETH, the entire data field is the tickets purchased
      ticketsPurchased =
        parseInt(, 16) / 10000 / ((100 - TICKET_PURCHASE_FEE_PERCENTAGE) / 100);
    const blockNumber = parseInt(event.blockNumber, 16);
    if (!ticketPurchases.has(userAddress)) {
      ticketPurchases.set(userAddress, []);
    ticketPurchases.get(userAddress)?.push({ blockNumber, ticketsPurchased });

  return ticketPurchases;

// Add this function to get the current block number
const getCurrentBlockNumber = async () => {
  const urlParams = new URLSearchParams({
    module: "block",
    action: "getblocknobytime",
    timestamp: Math.floor( / 1000).toString(),
    closest: "before",
    apikey: BLASTSCAN_API_KEY,
  const request = `${API_URL}?${urlParams}`;
  const response = await fetch(request);
  const body = await response?.json();
  return parseInt(body.result);

// fetch lottery info (winnerAddress, winAmount, ticketsPurchasedByWinner, blockNumber, transactionHash) for all lotteries
type LotteryInfo = {
  winnerAddress: string;
  winAmount: number;
  ticketsPurchasedByWinner: number;
  blockNumber: number;
  transactionHash: string;
  estimatedTimestamp: number;
const fetchLotteryInfo = async (token: string) => {
  const urlParams = new URLSearchParams({
    module: "logs",
    action: "getLogs",
    topic0: LOTTERY_RUN_TOPIC,
  const request = `${API_URL}?${urlParams}`;
  const response = await fetch(request);
  const body = await response?.json();
  const events = body.result;
  const currentBlockNumber = await getCurrentBlockNumber();
  const currentTimestamp = Math.floor( / 1000);

  const lotteryInfos: LotteryInfo[] = [];
  events.forEach((event: any) => {
    // field 1 [66:130]
    const winner =, 130);
    const winnerAddress =
      parseInt(winner, 16) === 0 ? "LP_WINNER" : `0x${winner.substring(24, 64)}`;
    // field 3 [194:258]
    const winAmount = parseInt(, 258), 16) / 10 ** 18;
    // field 4 [258:322]
    const ticketsPurchasedByWinner =
      parseInt(, 322), 16) /
      10000 /
    const blockNumber = parseInt(event.blockNumber, 16);
    const transactionHash = event.transactionHash;
    const estimatedTimestamp = currentTimestamp - (currentBlockNumber - blockNumber) * 2; // 2 seconds per block

    const lotteryInfo = {

  return lotteryInfos;

// build lottery history for a user address by fetching lottery info and merging with user's ticket purchase count
type UserLotteryInfo = {
  winnerAddress: string;
  winAmount: number;
  ticketsPurchasedByWinner: number;
  blockNumber: number;
  transactionHash: string;
  ticketsPurchasedByUser: number;
  estimatedTimestamp: number;
const buildUserLotteryHistory = async (userAddress: string | undefined, token: string) => {
  const lotteryInfos = await fetchLotteryInfo(token);

  if (!userAddress) {
    return => ({,
      ticketsPurchasedByUser: 0,

  const ticketPurchases = await fetchTicketPurchases(token);
  const userTicketPurchases = ticketPurchases.get(userAddress.toLowerCase()) || [];
  const userLotteryHistory: UserLotteryInfo[] = [];
  let prevBlock = 0;
  lotteryInfos.forEach((lotteryInfo) => {
    let ticketsPurchasedByUser = 0;
    userTicketPurchases.forEach((userTicketPurchase) => {
      if (
        prevBlock <= userTicketPurchase.blockNumber &&
        userTicketPurchase.blockNumber < lotteryInfo.blockNumber
      ) {
        ticketsPurchasedByUser += userTicketPurchase.ticketsPurchased;
    prevBlock = lotteryInfo.blockNumber;

  return userLotteryHistory;

export { buildUserLotteryHistory, type UserLotteryInfo };

We highlight recent jackpot wins and only show jackpot results when a user actually entered. This filters out jackpot history that's irrelevant for a user and demoralizing since LPs win most of the time:

const filteredLotteryHistory = lotteryHistory
    .filter((info) => {
      const date = new Date(info.estimatedTimestamp * 1000);
      return (
        date.getTime() >= new Date("2024-07-07").getTime() &&
        (info.winnerAddress !== "LP_WINNER" || info.ticketsPurchasedByUser > 0)
    .sort((a, b) => b.estimatedTimestamp - a.estimatedTimestamp);

This is how that looks like:

Let a user claim their winnings

Have them call withdrawWinnings from their wallet. They can claim at any time.

How you can claim your fees

Call withdrawReferralFees from the wallet you set as the referrer


Here is an SVG for the Blast logo on a yellow circle that you can use as a currency icon.

On Megapoints

  • Your users won't see how many Megapoints they've earned so far. Megapoints are how we distribute Blast Points and Gold at the end of the month. We calculate this with an onchain snapshot on the 28th of every month, so you and your users will get your rightful Blast Points and Gold allocation.

  • Your users earn 50% more Megapoints than if they were on, since the address you pass in as the referrer for purchaseTickets is an ambassador code!

  • Your users are eligible for Streak bonuses - all of this is calculated onchain

Last updated